I know that it’s been really long since I posted anything new here. But, I myself am surprised that 2 whole months have passed away since my last post was written. In my very first post in this blog, I had a note to myself, in which I had written,
The post will, of course, be a review on any (and that means ANY!) movie(s).
It’s time to read that note again. From now on, I intend to do a little justice to that statement.
Less than a fortnight ago, Oz had met Kashyap (his earlier lament for Kashyap) during an Indian Film Festival which was screening the yet-to-be-released-in-India controversial film “Paanch” and made 2 related posts; one, a nice conversation that he had with Kashyap and the other, his take on “Paanch”.
There is also this post about a theatre workshop by Kashyap and his latest incomplete film, “Gulal”.
George has an assorted list of posts related to Kashyap that he has had made in his blog.
And, here’s my take on Kashyap’s brilliant second film, “Black Friday”. Do read.
Last updated, with more nice stuff, on May 3, 2006 at